Establish YOUR Writing Habit
SOFW started out in 2019 as “The Summer of Fiction Writing”, but has now expanded. We now have THREE events throughout the year. The link goes to the forum discussion for the three events.
The NEW YEAR Event—Begin As You Intend to Go On (3 months):
You select your one goal for the season. Something like:
- Learning to hit a planned word count… and then stop for the day each day so that you can stand to come back tomorrow and work some more, refreshed and excited (most days)…
- Or learning to write a line-for-scene outline for a book, or for a three-book or five-book series, while setting daily goals and then stopping when each one is met…
- Or researching a new genre, and reading top books in the genre, and discovering marketing keywords, and figuring out where in that genre you have something unique that you could bring to the table so that you could carve out a niche for yourself…
- Or building a mailing list once you have books ready to publish, and figuring out how to launch those books so that you can find your best possible readership.
And for three months, you set your schedule, work to your objective, and then head into the forum to report how it went—and see what other folks are accomplishing. Cheer each other on, offer support, and get good ideas and practical advice from other folks who’ve already done what you’re now doing.
The three months of Summer Session are dedicated a three-month focus on your PRODUCT — on building your genre skills and writing development and on getting the product, whether flash or shorts or a novel, built. (Not finished, necessarily… but getting a hefty chunk of it done), whether in first draft or in revision or in bug-hunting, formatting, etc.
AUTUMN—October Focus Month
In the October event, you select a single-minded focus on ONE ESSENTIAL TASK.
- Building your own cover art, or
- Writing better blurbs, or
- Bug hunting the manuscript, or
- One hard push on a lingering revision, or
- One hard push to finish the damn book, or
- Or something else like that
Since many of our members participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), the autumn event is only one month long. There is no event in winter. You can join the forum at any time FOR FREE and participate in every ongoing event. The supportive and helpful community makes writing so much more fun.
You can do this.
Write with joy,
Holly Lisle
CLASS FORUM: Ask your question or share your success